
While pet owners know to feed their animals healthy diets and give them plenty of exercise, there are other risks to their wellness which sometimes go under the radar. Parasites, for instance, are all too easy for dogs and cats to pick up, and some can even become life-threatening if left untreated. Dr. Singh, a veterinarian at Animal Care Center in Elk Grove, CA, explains a few common parasites in pets.

What Are the Most Common Parasites in Pets?

1. Fleas

veterinarianFleas and mites are considered external parasites, meaning they do not enter the animal’s body. Nonetheless, they can still cause immense discomfort in dogs and cats who contract them. If you notice your dog or cat scratching or biting excessively, they could be hosting a flea infestation. Your veterinarian can recommend a treatment method, such as a flea comb, to treat the issue effectively, but a better approach to take is a preventive one. Solutions like topical flea shampoo, collars, and even tablets are available to keep these pests at bay.  

2. Ticks

Like fleas, ticks are also considered external parasites. However, the damage they can do might affect an array of your animal’s internal systems. Lyme disease is the most commonly transmitted illness caused by ticks, and in dogs, it can cause swollen lymph nodes, lethargy, and lameness. Over time, symptoms could progress to kidney failure, so having your pet tested for the disease upon the earliest indicators of an issue is essential. Prevention is also available through vaccinations, but because shots are not 100% effective, a tick shampoo or medication should also be administered.

3. Heartworm   

Heartworm is a common parasite in pets. This parasite can be picked up from a simple mosquito bite and clog an animal’s heart and major blood vessels. While it can sometimes be treated if caught early enough, the symptoms typically are not presented until the parasites have reached maturity. Thus, keeping your pet protected against this deadly parasite with medication is strongly recommended.

While parasites present scary risks, knowing they are largely preventable helps pet owners achieve peace of mind. If you’re looking for treatment for fleas, ticks, and heartworm, Animal Care Center has everything you need to keep your pet safe and healthy. To set up an appointment with a veterinarian for your pet, call (916) 686-7393, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
