About Affiliated Appraisers of AK
Do you have a home or commercial property you’re looking to sell but need to know the value of it before you nail down the ‘For Sale’ sign? Find your property’s value with the real estate experts at Affiliated Appraisers of AK in Anchorage. For over 44 years, they’ve been the voice for residential and commercial appraisals throughout many Alaskan boroughs.
Supported by the trust of banks, lenders, brokers, and government agencies across the country, you can rest easy knowing you’ll find accurate property values with their team of appraisers. Whether you’re selling a multi-story office building or a single-story home, accurate values are essential for you to put the proper price tag on your property and to ensure you receive what you deserve for it.
Don’t take a chance at guessing and get the proper evaluation with the experienced team at Affiliated Appraisers of AK. Get started in learning your property value by calling them at (907) 274-1949 or visiting them online.