
Whether your computer is primarily used for work, school, gaming, or all three, the hard drive is one of the most crucial components. These mechanical devices are designed to last between three and eight years, and this life span often depends on how often you're using them and how you're maintaining them. Spotting the early signs of possible hard drive failure can help you figure out whether prompt computer repairs will make a difference or if it's time for an upgrade. Here are some of the most common problems with PCs. 

When to Seek Computer Repair for Your PC's Hard Drive

1. Slow Performance 

If you're booting up the entire operating system or just a program, note whether it's taking a lot longer than usual. Failing hard drives will find it difficult to access the necessary files, and you may end up staring at a loading animation for several minutes. If your computer outright freezes in these situations, book a computer repair appointment ASAP. 

2. Corrupted or Missing Files

computer repairs

If you don't have an issue running the operating system or a program, but you can't seem to pull up a file, something may still be wrong with the drive. Error messages that claim the file can't be opened are often related to the hard drive. 

Of course, malware could also be to blame. However, this shouldn't be a problem if you have up-to-date anti-virus software and regularly run scans.

3. Loud Sounds

Whether it's a loud whirring, clicking, or grinding sound, if you hear anything out of the ordinary, be prepared to seek out computer repairs. Although these could indicate something is loose or broken somewhere else in your PC tower or laptop, there's a chance that the hard drive is getting older and the components are wearing down. Either way, in case the hard drive is to blame, set up a backup immediately once you start hearing the noises so that you don't lose valuable data.


If you notice any of these symptoms happening to your hard drive, make an appointment with Experimax Portsmouth. Trusted throughout the Rockingham County, NH, area for their selection of high-quality refurbished Apple® products, they also offer prompt and thorough PC computer repairs. Learn more about their services on their website or call (603) 501-0410 to schedule a repair assessment.
