
During hot weather and rainy seasons, cockroaches will look for food and shelter in comfortable conditions. Unfortunately, that means your home could become a target. In addition to hiring a pest exterminator to spray your property exterior routinely, here are a few ways you can maximize cockroach control.

4 Ways to Enhance Cockroach Control

1. Check Entrances

Cockroaches are looking for a quick, easy route into your home, so take a moment to check your doors, windows, and your foundation. Seal any cracks you may discover with caulking. Install weatherstripping at the bottom of doors and windows to further hinder access. 

2. Use Sealed Food Containers

cockroach control

These bugs can easily chew through plastic-foam packaging and paper take-out boxes or crawl into open baskets and bowls that hold fruits, bread, and nonperishable snacks. To restrict access to a food source, invest in sealed storage containers made of glass or thick plastic with tight lids as part of your cockroach control plan. 

3. Wipe Up Crumbs

While they may seem harmless, a few bread crumbs or bits of cereal can easily attract cockroaches since they're attracted to sugar and carbs. After meals, wipe down the countertops and sweep your floors in the kitchen to ensure all traces of food are removed. During hot summer months when cockroaches are most active, limit your eating areas to your kitchen and dining room so that food and beverage remnants aren't spread across your home. 

4. Remove Moisture & Clutter

In addition to hunting for food, cockroaches are looking for a water source. Wipe down your sink and faucet areas after each use. Check underneath your bathroom sink and in basements surrounding water-based appliances to ensure the areas are kept dry. De-cluttering storage closets and pantries can also reduce hiding spaces for these unwanted bugs. 


If you're looking for an exterminator that specializes in cockroach control, Moore Pest Control has you covered. Based in Hughes Springs, TX, this dedicated team is known throughout Northeastern Texas for effective, efficient pest control. To discuss your needs, call today at (903) 639-2884. 
