
Wasps are important for the ecosystem in Texas, as they pollinate flowers and crops and provide natural pest control by consuming cicada bugs among other problematic insects. However, they can also be dangerous when they sting humans and animals with toxic venom, leaving painful wounds. To learn more about wasps native to Texas or how to identify them on your property, use this guide to get started. 

What Are the Most Common Texas Wasps?

Texas Yellowjackets

These wasps look slightly like bumblebees due to their eye-catching yellow and black stripes; however, they are thinner with less-noticeable hair. Adults are typically 3/8th to 5/8th inches long. Texas yellowjackets also have cinched waists and long wings that fold down along their body. Their nests are made of paper and saliva and are typically found in the ground or enclosed hollow spaces where they can house thousands of yellowjackets. 

Paper Wasps

pest control

Paper wasps are the most common type of wasp in Texas. They have black or brown bodies that grow up to 1 inch long with orange or yellow markings and cinched waists. Paper wasps also have gray wings and build umbrella-shaped nests from paper material. Their nests feature open hexagonal cells and appear on a variety of outdoor surfaces, including window frames, awnings, shrubs, and tree branches. They sometimes also build their nests in sheds, attics, garages, and barns. 

Bald-Faced Hornets

Bald-faced hornets are often mistaken for yellowjackets because of their black bodies and yellow markings. However, these hornets have broad bodies and are mostly black. They reach ½ inch to ⅝ inch long and construct cone or round-shaped paper nests that are typically high up in trees. 

What Should You Do if You Are Stung by a Wasp?

Paper wasps, yellowjackets, and bald-faced hornets become extremely aggressive when they feel threatened and can sting multiple times if they believe their nests are under attack. 

Their stings lead to red, painful welts that can cause allergic reactions in some people. Stings that cause severe reactions, like swelling beyond 2 inches of the injury site, require immediate medical attention. 

Food debris can attract wasps, so take food indoors after picnics and keep outdoor trash can lids sealed to prevent stings.


If you require professional services for a serious wasp problem, contact Moore Pest Control in Hughes Springs, TX. They quickly solve insect and animal problems throughout the region to keep area residents safe and comfortable. Call (903) 639-2884 today to make an appointment or visit the pest control team online for more information. 
