
For most of your adult life, your dental care routine has probably been the same: brush and floss daily, visit a dental clinic regularly, and address any problems as they arise. But as you enter your 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, you may find your dental needs change. Athens Family Dental in Athens, Georgia, will help you cope with these changes. To start, they recommend being aware of the following shifts in your mouth.

3 Changes in Dental Needs as You Age

1. You’re More Likely to Experience Dry Mouth

This isn’t necessarily a direct result of aging, but rather the greater number of medications you’re likely to take. Saliva is crucial in washing away bacteria and diluting acids in your mouth, so when your mouth is dry, decay runs rampant. You can combat dry mouth by sipping water frequently, using rinses or saliva replacement products containing xylitol, chewing sugar-free gum, and avoiding substances which dry your mouth, such as alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine.

2. You’re More Likely to Need Dentures

Tooth damage doesn’t heal over time; it only accumulates. For this reason, the older you get, the more likely you are to have lost or damaged teeth. Past a certain point, most seniors rely on dentures to allow them to smile, speak, and eat normally. If you use dentures or other dental prosthetics, be sure to care for them as instructed by your dentist, and go to your dental clinic to have them refitted as needed to remain secure in your mouth.

dental clinic3. Teeth Cleaning May Become More Difficult

Age takes its toll on your entire body, especially the strength and dexterity of your hands and arms. Properly brushing your teeth can become challenging, especially for those with muscle tremors or weakness. To better clean your teeth with less effort, try an electric toothbrush. If this is a problem for you, discuss it with the staff on your next visit to your dental clinic.

As long as you’re aware of your changing dental needs, you can stay ahead of the differences and maintain a high standard of dental health at any age. For more advice on your situation or to schedule a visit to the dental clinic, contact Athens Family Dental at (706) 548-3279. You can also learn more about their services on their website.
