
A functioning door lock is essential to keeping your home and family safe. For that reason, any malfunctions with the equipment require correct and immediate lock repair to protect the property. Here's a guide to some of the most common issues that homeowners and tenants experience with their locks to help you maintain your home's security.

3 Common Door Lock Issues 

1. Stuck Key

Keys are shaved to perfectly match up with the pins inside of the lock. If the key is inserted but won’t turn, then there may be something jammed in the cylinder or rotor that’s preventing it from moving. It could also mean that the internal grease has dried out or evaporated. 

In such situations, dripping or spraying mechanical or hardware lubricant around the key may free it, but it won't fix the root cause. For that, you will likely need a locksmith to take apart the mechanism, clean it, grease it, and make any other necessary alterations to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Just be sure not to force the key in or out before they get there, or else it could break off, which requires a new key to be made on top of the lock repair. 

2. Misaligned Latch

lock repair

For a lock to function correctly, the latch bolt needs to be perfectly lined up with the faceplate installed on the frame. If the two pieces don’t sit correctly, the door may not close properly, leaving gaps or requiring force to open and shut it. Such issues can occur if either part becomes damaged or structural shifts impact the doorframe. 

Fortunately, the repair is often as quick as adjusting the plate. In the meantime, try to avoid slamming or using your body weight to open and close the door until the locksmith can fix it, as these movements can further damage the door and frame. 

3. Broken Mechanism

Locks are composed of multiple elements, including springs, tumblers, and latch components. Over time, the repetitive motion of opening and closing can cause one or more of these components to become loose or even break. In some instances, the individual elements can be replaced or repositioned. However, if large items, like the cylinder, or multiple pieces are damaged, then opting for a new lock is likely the best course of action. 


If you're having trouble with your door's lock, turn to Central Safe & Lock LLC in Fairfield, OH, for fast, convenient, and effective lock repairs. The local locksmiths provide dependable installation, repair, and maintenance services for residents across Butler and Hamilton counties. Learn more about how they can help you on their website, or request assistance today at (513) 884-1870.
