
Getting the most out of your forest requires careful, long-term planning centered around your goals. While they might be extremely broad or finely detailed, the most effective forest planning solutions share a variety of elements and characteristics. Whether you’re engaged in a reforestation project or want to profit off of an investment, the following steps will help you begin the planning process.

Common Elements in Forest Planning

1. Deciding on Objectives

forest planningA clear understanding of your goals and your expected timeline will shape the rest of the forest planning process. Long-term goals typically result in very general plans, while plans centered around regrowing schedules and reducing the environmental impact of harvesting are usually very detailed.

2. Establishing a Maintenance Plan

The first step in forest planning is outlining expected procedures to maintain and protect resources. For instance, owners should ensure boundaries are clearly marked, access roads are clear, and the property has been inspected for signs of disease and parasite activity.

3. Preparing an Inventory of the Property

Each stand of trees should be inventoried and marked on the map. Your forest planning professional will collect detailed information, including the number of trees per acre, average height, and distribution of species. In some instances, your report should include an overview of how each species contributes to the forest ecosystem.

4. Planning Management Activities

Once the other steps have been taken care of, you can begin preparing a plan to actively manage your forest, including harvesting timber, fertilizing soil, and installing water management systems. Your plan might also include provisions to have your property comply with federal environmental regulations.


The foresters at Neeley Forestry Services have over 140 years of combined experience, making this team one of Camden, AR’s leading land management specialists. Whether you’re looking for hunters to lease your property or would like to maximize growth, they have the forest planning expertise to help you achieve your goals. Visit their website for more information on their planning and management services, or call (870) 836-5981 to find out how they can help.
