
Modern residential garage doors have advanced features that make them easier to use and increase their safety. Keypads allow you to program a code that opens and closes your overhead garage doors, giving only people with the code access to your space. Read on to learn more about why it’s a good idea to reset your garage keypad every so often.

4 Reasons to Reset Your Garage Keypad Code

1. Moving In 

If you’ve recently moved into a home with a garage keypad, reset it as soon as possible. This will prevent previous owners or tenants who might still have the code from getting into the area and tampering with your belongings. 

2. Service Work

garage keypadIf you’re expecting contractors, babysitters, housekeepers, or caregivers to your home, reset the keypad code to temporarily give them access to the space. Once they leave, simply change the code, so they don’t reuse it without permission. 

3. Safety 

When you text, email, or write down the number for your garage keypad, it could inadvertently fall into the wrong hands. As a general safety precaution, change the code about once or twice per year. In the wake of home invasion or theft, reset the code in case the intruder got ahold of it. 

4. New Installation

When you install or replace your garage keypad, change the code from the default. Pre-programmed codes are generic and may be the same across similar products, so reset yours to make it unique. Avoid using your birthday or street number since these are easy to guess. 


When you’re ready to install a garage keypad or need maintenance on your existing one, get in touch with Central Garage Door. They provide garage door installations and repairs to homes and businesses throughout Columbia, MO. Call (573) 886-7810 request an estimate on overhead garage door services and schedule an appointment. Visit the website to learn more about garage door remotes, keypads, and other technological features. 
