4 Archery Training Methods to Try
Learning how to shoot a bow requires a lot of practice. Many people can benefit from doing archery training to improve their skills while at home and at the range. Here are four ways to upgrade your bow expertise.
Improve Your Shooting Skills With These 4 Archery Training Tips
1. Warm Up
Archery training should include a warmup period to get your body ready to shoot. Typically, this means shooting arrows without tips into mats that are a short distance away to promote concentration and warm up the muscles.
2. Do Strength Exercises
Building strength will help improve your ability to shoot. Work on increasing the muscles in your forearms, shoulders, back, and core to make it easier to draw the arrow back. Consider incorporating resistance bands into workouts and increasing the weight over time.
3. Work on Aim
Practice makes perfect, especially when it comes to aiming. Head to an archery training range and spend time repeatedly shooting at the same target. Consistently practicing will help you gain better control of the bow.
Instead of shooting one arrow and then going to the target to look at it, shoot a lot of rounds at once. This grouping will provide better insight into ways to adjust your aim – like moving the bow a little up and to the right. Plus, you’ll get in a lot more practice in a shorter amount of time.
4. Take Part in Tournaments
If you’re considering taking part in competitions, the best way to prepare is to compete. Sign up for tournaments to practice every stage of this process and gain experience in the competitive environment. Also, practice following the unique timing required at a tournament. For example, many of these matches involve 40 second shooting periods. When preparing for a match, practice drawing, aiming and shooting in this time frame, so you’re ready for the real deal.
When you’re ready to upgrade your crossbow skills, sign up for archery training with M & M Archery Range and Pro Shop in Kenton County, KY. The Florence-based company offers family-friendly bow and range rentals, hunter education, and bow tuning. Call (859) 282-6333 or visit the website for information on their all-ages classes as well as bow and arrow repair and care.