
Asphalt is a strong, durable, and affordable choice for a driveway material. However, seasonal changes and temperature extremes may leave your pavement vulnerable. Warmer temperatures and thawing can cause damage that may require maintenance and repairs. The guide below outlines how the substance may change over the summer.

How Rising Temperatures Can Affect Asphalt

1. Expanding & Contracting

Shifts in temperature lead to expansion and contraction. Heat causes asphalt to expand, while cold causes it to contract. These changes can cause damage to asphalt surfaces over time. This is particularly a problem during the Alaskan summers, where temperatures can rise and fall dramatically between morning and night.

2. Cracks & Potholes

asphaltHeat can cause cracks in your pavement. When it rains, water collects in these fissures and erodes the layers beneath. The resulting air gaps can lead to collapse as heavy vehicle traffic places pressure on the surface. This leaves behind hazardous potholes and cracks, which will need to be filled in immediately.

3. Increasing Surface Temperature

Dark surfaces like asphalt absorb the sun’s heat. Particularly now that temperatures are rising in Alaska, be extra careful and protect your feet and pet’s paws when walking over potentially hot asphalt. Additionally, the heat from your driveway can make your yard feel warmer than surrounding areas. Today’s asphalt is better designed to reflect sunlight rather than soak it in, but keep in mind that older materials don’t have this advantage. 


Does your asphalt need maintenance, repairs, or replacement? Choose Caddo Construction in Wasilla, AK, for fast and professional paving services. From residential driveways to commercial parking lots, these paving contractors work efficiently to provide you with smooth, long-lasting surfaces. When winter arrives, they also offer full-service snow removal at competitive prices. Call (907) 333-6160 to schedule a consultation or receive a free estimate. To learn more about installation and repair services, visit their website.
