How Acupuncture & Homeopathy Work Together in Onco-immunology
At Linchitz Medical Wellness in Westbury, New York, we strive to offer the latest and most promising care in integrative & alternative cancer treatments, which is why we’re so interested in an emerging technique called homeopuncture. Homeopuncture combines standard acupuncture methods with homeopathic remedies to deliver the benefits of both treatment options. This blend of techniques offers a wealth of potential in the treatment of auto-immune disorders and onco-immunology.
Acupuncture relies on a map of points across the body with connections to various other body parts, organs, and systems. By manipulating these points, an acupuncturist can affect the connected systems, encouraging your body to heal itself and resume orderly function. Acupuncture uses thin, sterile needles precisely placed, so they cause little or no discomfort, sometimes made of specific materials or coupled with gentle electrical currents to adjust the effect. This school of alternative medicine offers treatment for any ailment.
Meanwhile, homeopathy also provides cures for a range of disorders through the administration of natural substances in carefully measured doses. In a healthy body, these substances would be harmful; but in a body now out of balance, homeopathic cures restore healthy function and promote healing.
The practice of homeopuncture combines these two alternative medicines into one refined treatment. During homeopuncture, an acupuncturist coats the acupuncture needles in prescribed homeopathic substances before needling the patient. This delivers the homeopathic cures directly to the parts of the body associated with the damaged or disordered systems. Homeopuncture can be combined with homeopathic remedies provided in the standard way.
Because it combines the benefits of two long-established disciplines and allows for more precise treatment of any ailment, we believe homeopuncture will be a valuable weapon in our ongoing fight against cancer via onco-immunology. If you’re interested in this exciting new onco-immunology treatment, contact Linchitz Medical Wellness at (516) 759-4200 or visit our website to learn more about our treatment options.