
An autoimmune disorder is a disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells. Lupus, Celiac disease, and multiple sclerosis are examples of autoimmune diseases. If you’ve been diagnosed with an auto-immune disease, you might be feeling overwhelmed by the prognosis. Luckily, there are several treatments available to get you back on a healthy path.  

What to Know About Autoimmune Disorder & Treatments

What’s an Autoimmune Disease?

While the immune system normally generates antibodies to attack foreign cells like a virus or bacteria, these conditions cause the antibodies to mistakenly attack one or multiple organs. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, for example, is an autoimmune disease in which the antibodies attack the thyroid. This causes chronic inflammation and impaired thyroid function. To prevent complications and keep your body’s immune system from faltering, it’s essential that an immunologist creates a treatment plan based on your diagnosis. 

What Causes These Disorders?

auto-immune disorderGenetics, infections, injuries, and exposure to environmental toxins can trigger autoimmune diseases. As women are diagnosed more than men, some doctors believe hormone levels can trigger an autoimmune disease, especially during childbearing years.

How Can Doctors Treat An Autoimmune Disease?

Every case requires different treatment, but doctors generally start by controlling inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and immune-suppressing medications are often used. Depending on the severity of the disease, doctors may administer higher doses for long-term treatment to control symptoms. They may also recommend a change in lifestyle, including nutrition and exercise, to help you stay on a healthy path. 



If you’re living with an autoimmune disorder, you need the right medical team on your side. The professionals at Integrative Medicine of New York, PLLC, in Nassau County, NY, strive to provide cutting-edge treatment for cancer and other autoimmune diseases. Their staff also creates a compassionate and friendly office environment, so you can feel relaxed during your appointments. To view their treatments, visit their website or call (516) 759-4200.
