
Working from home comes with its perks. For one, you don't have to spend time and effort commuting. You can also see more of your friends and family throughout the day, and you can grab a snack from the fridge at any time. However, such a relaxed workspace can quickly turn into a haven for bugs and rodents, requiring professional pest control. If you want to keep your home office a convenient and enjoyable place to work, here's what you can do to keep pests out.


Have a trash bin nearby.

Ants, flies, cockroaches, and rodents are attracted to food-related litter, so refrain from leaving crumbs, unfinished drinks, or wrappers in your workspace. Instead, put a small wastebasket nearby where you can toss the food waste. Empty the trash can daily, and always keep it covered to prevent pests from rummaging inside. 

Avoid decorating with live plants.

Plants can brighten up your work area, but some of them are pest magnets. Their leaves and moist soil are ideal breeding spots for pests like aphids, mealybugs, and fungus gnats. 

These pests not only damage the plants, but they also trigger an allergic reaction in some people. If you want to decorate your nook, opt for dried and artificial alternatives, but don’t forget to dust them once in a while.


Eat while working.

pest control

Pest control professionals identify food as the main culprit for most infestations. Once insects and rodents catch a whiff of a potential food source, they will flock to the area. If you have a habit of juggling eating with working, stop doing so immediately. Instead, try to have your meal in a place separate or away from your workspace.   

Leave the area without cleaning.

If the kitchen doubles as your workspace, chances are critters may already be lurking in the area. Always store food in sealed containers and keep the space clutter-free as much as possible. Remove dirty plates and mugs and wash them after every use. Take care of spills right away and wipe down your working area thoroughly with a cleaning solution. Make it a habit to clean up at the end of the day.


Keep your working space free from pesky bugs with the above tips. But if you already have an infestation, the pest control professionals at Bruce Terminix Service Co. can help. Serving the community throughout St. Charles County, MO, they’ve provided top-notch residential pest control services, handling ants, roaches, bedbugs, and other pests. Call (636) 947-1452 for prompt pest control assistance or visit the website to learn more.
