
The start of fall is mating season for spiders, which means only thing: there’ll be spiders galore creeping around Missouri, and your home may become overrun. Fortunately, only two of the most common species to the state bite, and while both are considered to be “medically significant,” neither bite is life-threatening. Here are some of the most common spiders in Missouri and how to tell them apart so you can knowledgeably call a pest control expert if you get an infestation.

3 Types of Spider to Watch out for in Missouri

1. Brown Recluse

pest controlWhile you’re not likely to see much of the Brown Recluse, that doesn’t mean it’s not in your home. While they bite only if they feel threatened, their bite is poisonous and can cause a severe allergic reaction, particularly in children and the elderly. As its name suggests, this spider likes to keep itself to itself and tends to hide in dark, warm, and dry spaces, so watch out for them in closets or basements. You’ll find it most commonly in southern Missouri, but recently it’s been seen in the north too.

2. Black Widow

You can identify a Black Widow by its shiny black color and the vibrant red “hourglass” shape on its back. A Black Widow bite is dangerous and tends to result in abdominal and back pain, muscle cramps, and hypertension in both humans and animals. Naturally timid, they will only bite if they feel threatened. There are two species of Black Widow in Missouri: you’ll find both statewide, but one is slightly more prevalent in the south, and both species live mostly under flat rocks.

3. Cellar Spider

Cellar Spiders are extremely common. You may know them better as Daddy Longlegs (although they are, in fact, different to Harvestmen). You’ll often find them living high up in the corner of garages and basements, but you needn’t worry about them. They’re completely harmless and somewhat fragile. While they can create a bit of a mess with their webs, you won’t need to call out pest control for cellar spiders like you would do for Black Widow and Brown Recluse spiders.


If you’re plagued by eight-legged pests, give the team at Bruce Terminix Service a call. Based in St. Charles, MO, they’re the local experts in pest control and have been fighting bugs for over 45 years. The team tailor their treatment plan to each situation and use state-of-the-art equipment to get the job done. They’ll not only get rid of the pests for you but also make sure they never come back. Bugs don’t stand a chance. Request a free quote or book your service today – call the team on (636) 947-1452 or visit their website. And you can connect with them on Facebook for lots of useful tips and advice on how to keep bugs at bay.
