
Kids can’t wait for summertime and the chance to enjoy favorite outdoor activities, such as bike riding, skateboarding, and trampoline jumping. While offering thrills and excitement, these activities are also opportunities for children to suffer dental injuries. The incredible dentists at the family-friendly practice of Lowitz & Meier in Cincinnati, OH, are focused on your children’s dental care and keeping smiles safe this summer.

Over 30 years of practice has led the Lowitz & Meier team to understand you can’t keep kids in a bubble. Here, they outline some of the riskier summer activities associated with dental injuries, and how you can prevent or minimize those dangers:

  • Bike Riding: Bikes are prime vehicles for joy riding during summer, but occasional falls are inevitable. Make sure children wear helmets and know how to protect their faces and heads in the event of a tumble.
  • Skateboarding: Skateboards are great for performing tricks and getting around town but present even more hazards than biking. Skateboarders need to be aware of their surroundings and stay savvy about safety. In addition to helmets, kids should wear mouthguards while cruising on skateboards.
  • Swimming: No idyllic sumdental caremer is complete without splash time. That said, your child can easily chip a tooth by hitting the hard edge of a pool. Horseplay during swimming might also invite a knee or elbow to the mouth. Set good examples, monitor roughhousing, and enforce strict rules, like no running around the perimeter of a slippery pool.  
  • Jumping on Trampolines: Bouncing with abandon is a fantastic way to pass time, but trampolines are notorious for causing serious injuries, including broken bones and teeth. Monitor jumping, prevent overcrowding, and try to limit fancy flips and tricks.

Be smart about summer fun. If a dental emergency occurs, contact the experts at Lowitz & Meier immediately. In addition to precision dental care, the team offers cosmetic dentistry, periodontal care, and orthodontics. Call today at (513) 521-8900 to entrust them with all your family dental care needs, or go online to learn more about their caring philosophy.
