A Brief Guide to Colic
If you have a baby, there's a good chance they may eventually experience colic. In fact, colic is one of the most common problems infants face, and it can be difficult for many parents to deal with. You can seek assistance and advice from your pediatrician, but first, it's important to understand the basics.
What Is Colic?
Colic is defined as a baby crying for more than three hours a day, more than three days a week, for at least three weeks. It usually starts when a child is around two to four weeks old and goes away by the time they are four months old. The condition affects between 20% and 40% of all infants.
There are many possible causes of colic, but the exact cause remains unknown. Some experts believe the condition may be caused by an immature nervous system. Other possible causes include gastrointestinal issues, such as gas or indigestion, or stomach infections. Finally, some experts believe that colic could be due to food allergies or sensitivities.
Symptoms and Solutions
There are several symptoms of colic, and they can vary from infant to infant. Some common symptoms include crying that starts suddenly and lasts for a long time, crying that is more intense than usual, and difficulty sleeping. If you think your baby might have colic, it's important to see a pediatrician so they can rule out other possible conditions.
If your baby has colic, there are some things you can do to try to soothe them. One of your best options is to hold them close and rock them gently; give them a sense of lasting comfort. You can also try using a white noise machine or taking them for a car ride, both of which can provide a soothing experience. Finally, make sure you're taking care of yourself, too. It's important to stay calm and relaxed, as stress can make dealing with colic worse, and an infant's mood can often reflect that of their parents.
If you have questions about your infant's health and well-being, the pediatricians at Chewelah Associated Physicians in Chewelah, WA, are there to help. In fact, they provide a wide range of care options, including obstetrics and women's health care, OB-GYN services, and general family health care. Their team of doctors is devoted to keeping your family healthy and happy, from regular checkups to emergency medical care. To schedule an appointment, call (509) 935-8711.