Do’s & Don’ts of Driving on Gravel or Dirt Roads
Driving on unpaved roads can be tricky, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience with them. It’s difficult to get traction and the gravel the vehicle kicks up could cause suspension damage. While emergency towing will help you if you find yourself in a difficult situation, there are also some steps you can take to stay safe. Here are a few.
Steer smoothly.
If you tend to turn the wheel quickly while you’re driving, you’ll need to drop the habit when you drive on unpaved roads. Jerky motions can be hazardous since it’s harder to get traction on gravel or dirt. Limit distractions such as the radio, as you’re more likely to miss a road if you’re thinking about something else.
Stay in the tracks.
Tracks naturally form on gravel roads, much like they do in the snow. While you’re driving, stay in these tracks. Not only will they give you more traction since the material is already compacted, but you’ll also be sure you’re driving on the correct side of the road to avoid oncoming traffic.
Drive too fast.
Speeding can be especially harmful on unpaved roads. Your car will drive differently on gravel and dirt than it will on asphalt.
To stay safe, avoid going so fast that you’re tailgating someone. Keep your following distance to six seconds—meaning you should pass landmarks six seconds after the car in front of you does.
Leave unprepared.
Unpaved roads are generally located in remote locations, so you should prepare for your journey. Don’t rely on your cell phone for navigation, since service can be spotty. Bring a map or GPS.
Before the trip, check the pressure of all of your tires and make sure you have enough gas. Have the number of an emergency towing company that will help you if you face car troubles.
If your car sustains damage during your trip, visit Craig’s Towing & Repair in La Crosse, WI. Their team of experts repairs vehicles of all makes and models. If you require roadside assistance, they also have emergency towing trucks to help you find prompt repairs. Visit their website to learn more about their mechanics or call (608) 784-1638 to request assistance.