
In the immediate aftermath of an accident, you will likely be feeling a little out of sorts and shaken up. However, these are crucial moments, and you need to start protecting yourself right away; the best way to do this is to start taking notes after you've been involved in an accident or suffered an injury. Below, the personal injury lawyers at Agee Clymer Mitchell & Portman in Jackson, OH share a few reasons why this is such an important task to undertake.

Document What Happened

Should any legal case develop after your accident or injury, your lawyer will want to know exactly what precipitated the event in question. While the events are still foremost in your mind, jot them all down. Write out, in detail, what transpired in the moments before, during, and after the accident occurred or the injury was sustained. Include any and all details you can, even if you think they are irrelevant.

Record Your Injuries

In your notes, include a thorough record of all the injuries you've suffered as a result of the accident. This account will help build your case when you launch a claim with a personal injury lawyer. While the injuries and pain accompanying them are all fresh in your memory, write them out and describe them in depth.

Verify Conversations

personal injury lawyersIn the hours, days, and weeks following an accident or injury, you are going to be speaking with a lot of people, including doctors, law enforcement, personal injury lawyers, and insurance companies. All of these people have an interest in your case. After each discussion, write down a brief overview of what you covered during the talk; this information can help you remember all you're being told and what subjects you have discussed. It can also safeguard you should opposing counsel or insurers claim you said something you didn't or vice versa.

In short, keeping notes after an accident is a protective measure. If you've been a victim, know your legal rights and responsibilities and contact the lawyers at Agee Clymer Mitchell & Portman; they also handle all levels of workers' compensation claims. Call (740) 288-2323 to schedule a consultation with a personal injury lawyer today, or visit them online to learn about their attorneys.
