
Whether playing for fun or earning a living from it, online gaming continues to be a global phenomenon. Individuals are able to virtually link up with others worldwide for intense and thrilling competitions. In order for these sessions, which can go on for hours, to be seamless and lag-free, a reliable Internet service connection is a must. If you're an enthusiast or newbie, here's how to enhance your online gaming experience.

4 Ways to Get the Most From Your Online Gaming Sessions

1. Close All Other Programs

The fewer of them running, the more bandwidth you'll have to power real-time gaming. Close all programs to prevent lagging and buffering. Avoid downloading multiple files at one time, which can significantly slow down Internet service speed. Pay attention to the task manager bar on your computer and other devices to monitor which programs are open and need shutting down before starting your gaming session. 

Internet services

2. Increase Internet Bandwidth

Because online games will typically absorb large amounts of bandwidth, inadequate levels will affect speed and response times. Nothing is more frustrating to players than a poor or unreliable Internet connection that can impede their activities during a spirited competition in the final round. Consider upgrading your current bandwidth to more than 5 Mbps to ensure there is enough speed to stay in the game. 

3. Secure Your Network

Keep neighbors and other unwanted lurkers from infiltrating your online gaming sessions. Secure your Internet service connection from breaches by using strong passwords and the latest encryption systems to keep people away from your network. These safeguards can also help maintain your desired broadband speed and minimize pesky lagging if others in the area are not able to access your network. 

4. Go Local For Server Connection

In many cases, online gamers can choose their preferred server. Partnering with a local one will typically provide lower ping times. This feature can allow faster speeds, fewer delays and lagging and, overall, enhance your gaming sessions. Servers that are located at further distances may not deliver the reliable connections needed for consistent gaming interactions.


When it comes to strong and reliable online gaming access, NHTC in New Hope, AL is the region's trusted Internet service provider. As a robust, innovative company, their network is 100% fiber-connected to homes, which provides consistent power for gaming marathons. Customers are also able to get up to 1Gbps of service. You can count on much faster troubleshooting and superior client care since they are local to the North Alabama area. If faster Internet speed is what you expect from a provider, call (256) 723-4211 to learn about their customized plans. You can also go online for their complete lineup of residential and business services.
