Hearing loss is often a gradual process, which can make it difficult to determine if your hearing ability has dwindled. Scheduling regular hearing tests every few years is a great preventative step, but you may be nervous about the process if you've never been examined before. Learn more about what to expect from your appointment with an audiologist below.
How to Prepare
Before going in for your hearing test, take notes about any hearing loss symptoms you're experiencing and how long you've had them. Also, list any illnesses you have and whether or not you take medications.
Try to avoid loud noises at least 12 hours before your hearing test, as they can skew the results. Finally, remove wax from your ears with a washcloth before your appointment.
What to Expect
A hearing test typically takes about 30 minutes and is conducted in a sound-proof room. An audiologist will give you earphones and have you listen to several sounds at different volumes and pitches. They'll then ask you to raise your hand or push a button when you hear a sound.
Your audiologist may also have you listen to speech at different volumes and repeat what you hear. They'll evaluate your accuracy, which helps determine your ability to understand speech.
Understanding the Results
Once you've completed the hearing test, your audiologist will explain your results to you. These results are plotted on a graph in decibels of hearing threshold level (dB HL). They may show that one ear has significantly different hearing than the other, or that both hear at approximately the same level.
Normal hearing generally ranges from zero to 25 dB HL, and hearing loss increases from there. Profound hearing loss is anything higher than 91 dB HL.
If you’re experiencing hearing loss, turn to the professionals at County Hearing And Balance. These audiologists have been providing diagnostic services for almost 40 years throughout Southeastern and Shoreline, CT, always prioritizing personalized care. They offer a full-range of hearing aids, devices, and other instruments, and work to help their patients find the right solutions for their hearing problems. For more information about their services, call (203) 245-1950 or visit their website.
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