
You’ve likely heard the phrase a machine is only as good as its parts. This can also apply to your home’s plumbing system, which is made up of fixtures and pipes that all need to be in good shape to work properly. When something goes wrong, it can affect your entire plumbing system, which is why Midwestern Plumbing Services in Amelia, OH, has compiled some facts about your home’s sewer and main drains.

Plumbers Answer Sewer & Main Drain FAQs

Do The Pipes In My Home Serve Different Functions?

A common misunderstanding when it comes to the pipes in your home is that they all serve to carry water. Your sewer and main drains consist of a combination of pipes used to carry water and pipes that allow for ventilation; this keeps gasses from drifting into your living quarters.

Do The Sewer & Main Drains In My Home Need Cleaning?

Eplumbervery drainage system needs cleaning to avoid clogged drains and to ensure it’s working at peak performance levels. To allow for easier cleaning, many of the plumbing fixtures in your home that are attached to your sewer and main drains have a curved “trap” section that can be easily removed to clean out clogs.

What Happens To The Water Or Waste That’s Transported In My Sewer & Main Drains?

In most residential properties, all of the drainage piping in the household will meet below your home in a primary drainage pipe that will transport all of your wastewater to a local water treatment facility.

What Do I Do If My Sewer & Main Drains Are Backed Up With Water?

If your fixtures and drains are overflowing with water, it may indicate a serious problem with your plumbing system. Water backup can be caused by any number of factors, including clogged drains, roots growing into drainage pipes, and outdated piping. In such a scenario, it’s always best to contact a licensed plumber for help.

To learn more about your home’s sewer and main drains, contact the professional plumbers from Midwestern Plumbing Service at (513) 753-0050. They also specialize in trenchless drilling, toilet installations, and more; visit them online for a closer look at what they do.
