
If you have a broken window in your home, you'll want to take some quick steps to secure it until you can get it repaired. A broken window can be a security risk and can let in cold air and pests, so it's best to address the situation right away, even if your contractor can't get there right away. Here's how to do it.

How to Seal Your Broken Window Until it Can Be Fixed

1. Use Plywood

Cut the board slightly larger than the window opening and nail it in place from the outside of your home. This will provide an extra layer of security, even if it is not very attractive. This is ideal for temporary window repairs and can last for several weeks until a professional can come.

2. Lock It Up

If your window has a lock on it, use it. Even though the glass may be broken, locking up can still provide added protection against intruders by making it harder to open and close. Criminals look for the easiest targets possible, so forcing them to take an extra step or two is sometimes all it takes to get them to move on to the next home.

3. Put Up Drapes

broken window

Curtains or drapes can still block out the outside world and provide light protection from the elements. This will help provide you with more privacy and can also work as a deterrent for potential burglars. Simply hang the curtains or drapes over the broken window, tacking them into place so they fit tightly. This will cut down on drafts and make the window appear closed.

4. Install Window Film

Window film is easy to apply and provides an extra layer of security. This film is made from thick plastic and can be applied to the inside of your window frame. It is a great way to keep out the outside air, and provides a deterrent against burglars. Make sure to follow all instructions when applying window film.

5. Use a Window Grill

A window grill or bars will provide more protection against intruders. Installation is relatively simple, and you can even buy pre-made grills that are easy to install. To install, measure your window opening and then purchase the appropriate size. Once you have the grill or bars in place, secure them with screws into your window frame.


If you have a broken window, reach out to GlassPro Inc Lawrenceburg, IN. Serving clients throughout Indiana and Cincinnati, OH, their knowledgeable technicians have seen it all and are dedicated to getting repairs done as quickly and affordably as possible. To learn more about their services, visit the website. To speak to a representative or to get a quote, call (513) 874-6559.
