
As a business owner, you want to make sure that your commercial property is protected from the elements, and one of the best ways to do this is by installing a high-quality roofing system. Among the different options available in the market, rubber roofing EPDM is gaining popularity among commercial property owners. The following guide discusses the advantages of choosing this type of roof for your property. 

Why EPDM Is Beneficial to Commercial Properties

1. Durable 

EPDM roofing is incredibly durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions, including heavy rain, high winds, and hailstorms. It is also resistant to UV radiation, ozone, and other environmental factors that can damage traditional roofing materials. Additionally, it is designed to last for at least 40 years, making it a cost-effective option for commercial property owners. 

2. Easy Installation 

EPDM roofing is easy to install, which means you can have your new roof up and running quickly. This type of roof can be installed using several different methods, including fully adhered, ballasted, and mechanically fastened. Each installation method has its own advantages, and your roofing contractor can help you choose the best option for your property. 

3. Low Maintenance 

EPDM roofing requires very little maintenance, which can save you time and money in the long run. Unlike other roofing materials that require regular inspections and repairs, EPDM roofing is designed to be low maintenance. You can simply clean your roof periodically to keep it looking its best, and your EPDM roofing system will continue to perform well for years to come. 

4. Eco-Friendly 

Rubber roofing EPDM is an eco-friendly option for commercial property owners. It is made from recycled materials and is 100% recyclable, which means it won't end up in a landfill at the end of its life. Additionally, this roofing is energy-efficient, which can help you save on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. 

5. Energy Efficient 

EPDM roofing is highly reflective, which means it can help keep your commercial property cool in the summer and warm in the winter. This can help you save on your energy bills, especially since your HVAC system won't have to work as hard to regulate indoor temperatures. Additionally, EPDM roofing is an excellent insulator, which means it can help keep your property comfortable all year long. 

If you want to invest in rubber roofing EPDM for your commercial property, turn to South Central Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. in Lebanon, KY. They specialize in commercial roofing replacements and installations and have been serving clients since 1987. They’ve built a reputation for using quality products and delivering superior results. Contact them today at (270) 692-6080 to request an estimate or visit their website to learn more about their services. 
