If you own or use a computer, you likely have a power strip that powers all of your devices. What you may not realize is that not all power strips are created equal. They offer a variety of safety features that can protect your property in the event of a power surge. Read on for some electrical maintenance safety checks you can run on your power strips to ensure they’re in working condition.
Untangle wires and cords.
Your electrical maintenance check should include untangling cords so the current can flow through the wires. In addition, check for signs of melted or burned wires. If you see damage, dispose of the device and replace it with a new one.
Locate the power shutoff button.
If something happens to the power strip, an internal circuit breaker is designed to cut off the power. This is a safety mechanism to prevent a fire. You can activate this safety feature by simply pressing the off button on the strip as part of your electrical maintenance safety check.
Plug one strip into another
Daisy-chaining is when a power strip is plugged into another one, which can be extremely dangerous. This can overwork the power supply, increasing the threat of a fire. It can also cause a short in the wiring and damage the devices receiving power from the power strip.
Store liquids near power sources.
Liquids can create a hazardous situation if placed near a power strip. This is true of drinks and other wet substances that can easily spill and short-circuit the power. Flammable liquids are especially dangerous near power sources, so exercise caution when deciding where to place these items.
E-Con Electric, Inc. is a name you can trust for all of your electrical maintenance needs. Based in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, their electricians are available 24/7 to assist with emergency repairs, and their parts and labor come with a one-year warranty. Call (715) 423-8440 today for a free estimate or visit their website.