
The first few days of caring for new sod are the most important, as it needs time to build roots and integrate into the soil. If this is your first time having new sod laid down, don't worry. Here's a quick guide to caring for your new sod. 



The first day that your sod is installed, you will need to begin heavily watering the lawn. The water needs to penetrate deep down into the soil in order to begin growing roots. 

Start by watering the lawn twice a day for 20 minutes at a time. Pick a time early in the morning and late at night when the sun is not at its peak to promote the highest amount of absorption. After the first day, you can begin to water for shorter periods. Water two to six times a day since the roots will be too short to absorb large amounts of water. Follow this schedule for two weeks after installation. 


Two weeks after the sod installation, you can begin to mow. Make sure the cutting height is set high on your mower to prevent any sod from being torn up. Do not use a riding mower, as it's too powerful for young sod. After three weeks, you can begin mowing normally to reach your desired blade height, as your roots will be strong enough to withstand the power. 


Before your sod is laid, you should fertilize the soil. Choose a good fertilizer with the correct N-P-K ratio for the type of grass you are installing, which will promote its growth. Continue to fertilize the lawn every six to eight weeks after installation, adding in weed and pest control products after you have mowed the lawn three to four times. Placing these chemicals on your lawn when it is too young is not healthy and can damage the new sod. 


If you are looking for a sod supplier on Oahu, choose Alii Turf. From Hawaii's finest golf courses to residential homes, Alii Turf has provided sod and grass to create beautiful lawns. Call them today at (808) 293-8873 to request a quote or visit their website for more information. 
