Need School Bus Repair? Discover the 3 Most Common Maintenance Issues
While Blue Bird Buses are considered one of the most reliable vehicles around, issues do occur. Poor road conditions and a start/stop duty cycle place significant strength on the brakes, engine, and wheels, so it’s easy to see why problems spring up. With passenger safety at stake, resolving problems quickly and efficiently is vital. Here are the most common reasons for school bus repair.
3 Common Reasons for School Bus Repair
1. Brake Problems
School buses stop more often than other vehicles, placing significant stress on their brakes. This can result in an array of issues, from crumbling brake pads to uneven wear on the rotors. If you’re having difficulty reaching a full stop, school bus repair is necessary to get brakes working smoothly. Your local bus dealership can diagnose and resolve the issue quickly, getting you back on the road.
2. Dead Batteries
Dead batteries are a hassle with any vehicle, but frequent travels across narrow roads, uneven terrain, and especially the cold weather make them a common occurrence for bus drivers. Test your batteries and contact Hoover Truck & Bus centers to schedule a service appointment OR to order delivery of new batteries to your maintenance facility.
3. Engine Overheating
With such low speeds and a high start/stop duty cycle, school buses occasionally experience overheating engines. New emissions engines run at higher temperatures and pressures which puts a heavier toll on cooling systems.
Hoover Truck & Bus Centers has experienced technicians that can find the source of overheating, fix the issue, and help your bus drive like new. If you experience an overheating engine, don’t risk damaging the rest of the vehicle; head to the dealership to receive high-quality care right away.
If you need school bus repair, head to Flanders, NJ’s Hoover Truck & Bus Centers. The go-to dealership offers an impressive fleet of vehicles, bus and truck parts, and the service you need to operate smoothly. No matter what you need repaired, these experts will handle it with ease, getting you back on the road in no time. Visit the website to learn more, or call (973) 347-4210 to schedule your next service appointment today!