
When traditional pain management techniques don’t treat your headaches, you might consider seeking the assistance of a chiropractor. These professionals offer therapeutic treatments that may provide significant headache relief. Here’s what you need to know about this option.

How Chiropractic Care Relates to Headaches

Studies have found that there may be a strong correlation between the effects of chiropractic treatment on adults suffering from headaches, particularly chronic pain and migraines. The findings discovered that spinal manipulation, which involves issuing a controlled thrust to a spinal joint in an effort to adjust the targeted area, may be effective in providing headache relief by activating the nerve pathways that regulate pain. More specifically, the treatment may trigger descending pain modulation, which affects the way that the brain perceives discomfort.

The advantage of chiropractic care is that it treats more than just a single area. Manipulating the spine can restore functionality to the joints and minimize immune system abnormalities that may otherwise aggravate pain. Both can cause strain that causes neck and back pain, which in turn may trigger headaches. Treating the whole body, therefore, may reduce the severity of head pain.

How Practitioners Provide Headache Relief

headache reliefRegular chiropractic care may help you find the relief you need, whether you’re suffering from chronic cervicogenic headaches that develop in the neck, tension headaches that wrap around the head, or migraines that cause nausea and light sensitivity. Your provider will assess your condition and pain level before beginning treatment.

Treatment options vary, but spinal manipulation is a common option that may minimize irritation on affected nerves in the neck or back responsible for your headaches. Massage is often used to loosen affected muscles, improve blood flow to the area, boost range of motion, and alleviate tension.

Finally, your practitioner may also advise you about making lifestyle changes to reduce the likelihood of developing headaches in the future. For example, you might need to adjust your posture or relax your body throughout the day.

If you’re interested in learning more about your headache relief options, turn to the professionals at Stoiber Chiropractic in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. These accomplished professionals are committed to your health and well-being, which is why they offer a variety of treatments ranging from spinal manipulation to massage. To find out more about how they can help you achieve pain relief, visit the website, or call (715) 424-8000 to schedule an appointment.
