Discovering a crack in a home window can be concerning, as it poses a safety risk and diminishes curb appeal. While it’s best to repair the damage immediately or replace the window, in some cases, you can resolve the crack with a temporary fix. Here are some short-term solutions to keep in mind.
How to Address a Crack in Your Window
1. Use an Epoxy Blend
An epoxy blend gives the crack some resilience, ensuring the damage won’t worsen with time. Start by washing the surface thoroughly, then combine a two-part epoxy blend consisting of hardener and resin.
Apply the mixture directly onto and into the crack with a putty knife. Let it sit for five minutes, then use a razor to scrape away the excess. After a day, use a glass cleaner to wipe the surface clean.
2. Tape It
Masking tape will hold the crack in place and prevent further damage until you’ve scheduled repairs or a replacement. Apply the tape to both sides of the glass, directly on the crack. Tape beyond the fissure to cover it completely, then press firmly. This tactic will also prevent moisture from seeping through the home window's opening.
3. Apply a Glass Adhesive
A glass adhesive minimizes stress on the glass and may prevent it from cracking further. Before the application, clean the damaged area gently yet thoroughly. Use a dropper to irrigate any debris that may be lingering in the space.
Place the tape on the back of the crack to prevent the adhesive from spilling to the other side. Use a brush to apply the material directly to the damaged area, allowing it to cure before pulling the tape away.
Once you've applied your temporary fix, turn to the team at Fairbanks Paint & Glass in Alaska. These professionals provide reliable glass repairs and stylish replacement home windows. Visit the website to learn more about their services, or call (907) 456-7758 to schedule an appointment.