
Good foot care entails choosing the right footwear, avoiding moist conditions, and ensuring your feet are properly warm. When feet are damp and cold for a period of time, trench foot may occur. This foot problem can affect all types of people and may happen rather quickly in some cases. With the right information, you can access timely treatment and potentially even avoid the condition altogether. 

What Causes Trench Foot?

Trench foot first became widely known during WWI due to the often cold and moist conditions of wartime trenches. Risk is highest in wet conditions when the temperature is 32 to 59 degrees, and when feet are exposed to these conditions for at least ten hours. This exposure causes damage to blood vessels in the feet, which in turn restricts blood flow. Lack of blood causes damage to other tissues, especially when conditions persist without intervention. 

What Symptoms Can Occur?

foot problems

Trench foot symptoms happen in stages. Initially, the skin of the feet will lose sensation and may appear red. Next, the feet will become pale and stiff, and there may be a tingling sensation of pins and needles. The foot problem can persist to the next stage even with treatment. At this point, the feet will feel hot to the touch, and will be swollen and painful. Long-term numbness and temperature sensitivity can also occur when trench foot is severe. 

How Is This Condition Treated?

Immediate treatment is needed to prevent more serious effects from occurring. A doctor can steadily warm the feet with heating pads or hot baths to restore normal circulation. Administration of anti-inflammatory drugs can relieve pain and swelling. Elevating the feet on a regular basis can also prevent new damage from occurring. 

There are also ways that trench foot can be prevented. Be sure to change your shoes and socks whenever they're cold and damp to limit exposure. Make sure your footwear is comfortable and offers ample room to breathe. Also, be sure to thoroughly dry your feet after bathing or excessive sweating. 


When you need help with a foot problem in and around Rochester, NY, Westside Podiatry Group offers more than 50 years of experience. Along with treating acute issues, they also provide management of chronic conditions to ensure optimum mobility and quality of life. These board-certified podiatrists will also personalize their treatments to your exact needs for the best possible outcome. Schedule an appointment today by calling (585) 225-2290. You can also learn more about their services by visiting the website
