Cell Phone Repair Tips For When You Drop Your Phone in Water
Toilets, pools, bathtubs, and pet bowls are all threats to a cell phone. Experimac North Tampa, the premier cell phone repair and Mac® computer sales shop in Tampa, FL, offers valuable tips on what to do if you drop your cell phone into water. They specialize in mobile device and laptop repair, and back all their work with a 90-day guarantee.
Drop Your Phone in Water? Here Are 5 Cell Phone Repair Tips
Act Fast
Take action quickly and remove the device from the water. The longer it is submerged, the greater the chance it will suffer irreversible damage.
Shut Off Device
After rescuing your phone, make sure you turn it off immediately. Leaving it on while wet will result in a short circuit that ruins your expensive device.
Towel It Dry
Disassemble the phone, remove the battery, and towel-dry all the parts. Do not use a hair dryer because the heat could cause damage that requires additional cell phone repairs.
Bury It in Rice
Uncooked rice will absorb any moisture inside the phone. Place the parts in a lidded plastic bowl, cover it with rice, and replace the lid. Leave the phone there for at least three days to ensure the moisture is removed from it. A sandwich bag filled with silica gel packets will also do the trick.
Test the Phone
After three or four days, power the phone on and charge it. If nothing happens, you may not have acted in time to save it. However, there is a good chance it will turn on and work properly, saving you the cost of a new cell phone.
Experimac North Tampa, the most experienced cell phone repair and Mac computer sales store in Tampa, FL, is an invaluable resource when you need tablet, cell phone, or laptop repairs. Visit their website for contact details, or call (813) 280-2620 to speak with a friendly professional.