Jewelry Store
Maurice Badler Fine Jewelry
485 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022

About Maurice Badler Fine Jewelry

Where Fashion Begins

Maurice Badler established his business in America over fifty years ago. Prior to that, he was a master diamond cutter in Antwerp, Belgium. His painstaking attention to small details earned him a reputation as a perfectionist. If you worked for him, you had to be good!

Maurice flourished as a designer, creating most of his offerings with his own hands. As the company grew, he enlisted the help of highly skilled artisans who were carefully trained to do things his way. With the help of his wife, Betty, the business built a wonderful reputation for honesty, integrity and value.

The business has operated as a value-oriented store on New York's prestigious Fifth Avenue since 1973. We not only pride ourselves on the quality of the jewelry we offer, but on our dedication to serving the needs of our clients. We are always there to help you when something needs an adjustment or repair.

In November of 2011, we opened our flagship store at 485 Park Avenue, between 58th and 59th Streets in New York City. It is the ideal place to view the latest in jewelry designs in an elegant and relaxing atmosphere.

Today, the business remains in family hands, with Maurice's son Jeffrey at the helm. As a skilled gemologist, he has earned a reputation for skill and honesty on par with his father. But now, he's taken the excitement of the company to a new level. With an experienced eye for fashion, Jeffrey travels to Europe regularly to seek out undiscovered designers whose wares have not yet been seen. He has established relationships with some of the finest jewelry artisans the world has to offer. You'll be able to come to Maurice Badler to see the latest in jewelry trends well before most even know the designs exist. With his contacts around the world, we're able to have beautiful jewelry at a quality and price that others can't compete with.

Contact information:

Phone: (800) 622-3537

