
Dental crowns are custom-fitted to restore weak or damaged teeth. They’re designed with great care in a dental lab, so following the initial procedure to get your tooth ready, you'll wear a temporary version until the permanent one is created. It’s essential to care for this temporary cap properly to prevent infection and further damage. Here's a closer look at what precautions to take.

How to Maintain a Temporary Crown

1. Eat Carefully

Temporary glue for these prosthetics is strong, but certain foods can still loosen the cap. It's generally advised to avoid eating anything for the first hour after the procedure. Between then and the placement of the permanent crown, it's best to be wise about your diet.

Avoid sticky foods and chewing gum, as these can pull on the cap until it comes loose. Chewing tough meat or raw vegetables puts pressure on the temporary cap and may cause some discomfort immediately after surgery, so soft foods are recommended. As an additional precaution, chew on the other side of your mouth to protect the prosthetic.

2. Continue Brushing & Flossing


Food debris and decay-causing bacteria can still infiltrate the temporary crown, so regular brushing and flossing are necessary. However, each task should be performed carefully around the prosthetic. 

When slipping floss in and out of the surrounding crevices, pulling too hard may disrupt the temporary glue. Remember to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and rinse with a dentist-approved mouthwash afterward to flush debris from the area.

3. Don't Put Off the Next Appointment

A temporary crown is only meant to last a few weeks, so be sure to make a note of your next dentist visit. Otherwise, it may break or come loose, creating more oral health issues. 

Some people choose to take the day off work for their final appointment. While it’s a noninvasive procedure, you may experience some discomfort after the permanent prosthetic is affixed to the tooth.


For custom-designed, long-lasting crowns and other cosmetic dentistry options, contact William U. Britton, DDS, MAGD. Serving Jackson and Chillicothe, OH, this dental office addresses a wide range of oral health needs. Dr. Britton focuses on patient comfort and will create a personalized treatment plan to address immediate and long-term problems. Call (740) 772-2225 to schedule an exam and get to know the practice online. Connect on Facebook for more dental hygiene tips.
