4 Common Misconceptions About Gum Disease
Gum disease is a common oral health malady that can lead to a number of other problems if left untreated. Unfortunately, there are some myths and misconceptions surrounding it that can lead people to believe inaccurate information. By understanding the truth about this condition, you can take better care of your oral health and prevent gum disease from developing.
What Are the Myths About Gum Disease?
1. Only Adults Get It
Gum disease affects people of all ages. While it is more common in older adults, children and teenagers can also develop gum disease if they don’t practice proper oral hygiene. Regular cleanings, brushing, and flossing are essential for preventing gum disease at any age.
2. Bleeding sI No Big Deal
Bleeding when you brush your teeth is a warning sign that you may be developing gum disease, so it’s important to pay attention to this symptom and see your dentist if it persists or worsens. If you experience bleeding gums, use less pressure when you brush, as too much pressure can exacerbate the issue.
3. Poor Oral Hygiene Causes it
Poor oral hygiene is the most common cause of gum disease, but it’s not the only one. Even people who practice good oral hygiene may still develop gum disease if they’re predisposed to it. Genetics, age, health conditions like diabetes, and even certain medications can also contribute to the development of gum disease.
4. It Only Affects Gums and Teeth
Gum disease can cause tooth loss and other oral health problems, but the problem can expand from there. The bacteria that causes gum infection can spread into other parts of your body through your bloodstream and increase your risk of developing other health conditions. For example, people with gum disease may be more likely to develop heart disease or stroke.
If your gums bleed when you brush, appear swollen or puffy, or are tender when touched, it's time to get a checkup from William U. Britton, DDS, MAGD. For over 35 years, Dr. Britton has served the Chillicothe and Jackson, OH, areas in all areas of dentistry, including implants, tooth extractions, and teeth whitening. Call (740) 772-2225 for an appointment or visit his website to explore his services.