
Did you know that grain bins and silos are designed to store different products and serve unique functions? It can be difficult to understand the intricate details of farming machinery for farmers and laypeople alike. Below is what you should know about these storage facilities. 

Your Guide to Grain Bins & Silos


They might appear similar, but grain bins and silos don’t store the same products. Grain silos are made to house dry grain intended to be used at a later date for either animal feed, human consumption, or fuel. Grain is a broad term for a wide range of products, including dry soybeans, corn, wheat, oats, barley, flax seeds, and other legumes.

Silos, on the other hand, store what’s called silage: ground corn or moist cut grass that’s solely fed to livestock. Because such products are higher in moisture, they will keep for much longer and are used to feed animals during dry spells or times when other food is scarce. 


grain binsGrain bins have several distinct features that set them apart from silos; they’re always built with a metal cylinder and a peaked metal roof, and they’re equipped with staircases or ladders on the outside. This is because grain needs to be kept at a specific temperature and monitored frequently to prevent spoilage. Although silos are often cylindrical as well, they can be fashioned from concrete, brick, metal, or even wood. They’re also usually much taller than grain bins. 

Storage Conditions

Grain needs to be aerated properly to prevent spoilage or insect infestation, so the bins that store it are constructed to allow for optimal airflow. Since temperature also plays a large role in grain storage, bins are equipped with monitoring technology, and moisture and air levels are adjusted as needed. Since silos perform their work through the fermentation of moist corn or grass, they allow for minimal airflow to maintain a premium product and prevent spoilage. 


Grain bins and silos are essential pieces of farming equipment. If you’re interested in an agricultural construction for your property, contact Merritt Mechanical-Fabrication in Cairo, GA. Call them at (229) 377-5586, or visit their website for a closer look at their metal building construction services and other agricultural products. 
