
In today's digital age, businesses depend on their internet service for various purposes, including communication, data storage, and customer transactions. However, this increased dependence on the web also means that companies are more susceptible to cyberattacks, data breaches, and other online threats. Therefore, it is crucial to take proactive measures to improve your internet security. Here are some ways to enhance safety.

How Businesses Can Improve Internet Safety 

1. Create Strong Passwords

Passwords are the first line of defense against cyberattacks. It is vital for employees to create strong passwords that are difficult to guess. They should have a minimum of 12 characters and include a blend of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Additionally, businesses should consider using two-factor authentication, which uses two steps to verify identity. These usually include a password and a verification code sent to a person's phone. 

2. Avoid Suspicious Links & Emails 

Phishing emails and links can easily trick employees into providing personal or sensitive information or downloading malware. Therefore, workers need to be cautious when opening emails, downloading attachments, or clicking on links, especially if they are from unknown senders or contain suspicious content. 

3. Educate Employees 

Employees can unknowingly compromise a company's internet service and security, so it is essential to train them on best safety practices. These can include avoiding public Wi-Fi networks, not sharing passwords, safeguarding customer data, and knowing how to spot phishing emails. It’s also beneficial to remind them not to allow individuals outside of the organization to access their work devices, especially if they work remotely. 

4. Keep Software Updated 

Outdated software can contain vulnerabilities and make it easier for hackers to access them. It’s crucial to keep all programs, such as operating systems, antivirus software, and web browsers, current with security patches and updates. This ensures all applications are functioning at peak performance.

5. Secure Your Systems 

There are other options to give your systems a security boost. A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. It can help prevent unauthorized access to a business's network. Additionally, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can encrypt internet traffic and safeguard it from unwanted eyes, especially when employees are working remotely. 


If you want to enhance your business’s online security, put your trust in TSC in Wapakoneta, OH. They’ve been a leading internet service provider since 1995, offering high-speed internet, Wi-Fi, and network security solutions. For more information, visit them online or call (419) 739-2200 to speak with a customer service representative.
