Ten Easy Tips to Help You Become the Best Gymnast (all ages)
- Make sure you have a good, snug and comfortable leo (if you are a girl). Leotards help show off the muscle groups and help the coach with spotting.
- Ask your coach what exercises you can do outside of the class
- If you are sick and contagious. Stay at home. You can always do one make up
- Eat 2 hours before the class or right after
- Ask lots of questions when the coach hands out the report card
- Keep hydrated
- Stretching is good before and after the class
- Come to class with a willing to learn attitude
- Did you know that the front desk has a list of exercises and strength routines for Level 1 gymnasts?
- Going the bathroom before class starts is ideal to get the most out of your practice
About the Business
Gymnastics Club
The Victors Gymnastics & Cheerleading Training Center LLC
675 Ling Rd, Rochester, NY 14612