3 Ways Parents Can Support Their Little Gymnasts
It's normal for your child to be excited about signing up for gymnastics. They'll have a new way to channel their energy and make new friends, and your support can help make these experiences even more fun for them. Here are several ways to provide them with loving reassurance while they tackle the floor, vault, and beams.
How Can You Support Your Little Gymnast?
1. Praise Them
Always give your little ones lots of praise, hugs, and encouraging words, even if their session didn't go the way they wanted it to. These gestures will demonstrate your unyielding and consistent support, encouraging your child to get back up after a jump or flip they had trouble completing. As a result, their confidence will also receive a boost, which will help them in their social life and at school as they grow older.
2. Don't Compare
Learning gymnastics includes making lots of mistakes. Just as coaches expect mishaps, parents should as well. For example, it can be tempting for some parents and caregivers to compare teammates while giving constructive criticism. However, it's also crucial to recognize that all kids are unique in their strengths. Comparing will only make your child question their abilities, which will take the joy out of participating in gymnastics.
3. Emphasize Fun
Children will look forward to their classes if they're having fun, so try to generate as much excitement as possible. For example, prepare a special snack for them when they have lessons and put on a fun playlist in the car as you drive to class. Put less emphasis on winning and instead prioritize learning. As a result, your child will look at the activity as a special occasion every week.
If your child has expressed an interest in gymnastics, The Victors Gymnastics in Greece, NY, provides a range of exciting activities for kids of all ages. Serving Rochester since 1999, this licensed center focuses on creating connections, inspiring kids, and helping them grow physically and emotionally. All the instructors have received extensive training from the center's coaches, who have over 30 years of experience. Visit their website to learn more about their programs, and call (585) 663-4810 to schedule the first lesson. You can also download the free Victors app for Android© and Apple© to sign up for classes, get reminders and exclusive deals, make payments, and watch videos.