
With gyms closed for social distancing for the foreseeable future, many gymnasts are looking for ways to maintain their skills. While you may not be able to get on the bars or beam right now, you can still maintain your flexibility and strength at home, so when you do get back to gymnastics, you’ll already be up to speed. Try some of these exercises to keep your skills fresh at home. 

The Best Gymnastics Exercises to Do at Home

1. Conditioning

Now is a great time to work on conditioning and make your muscles stronger so you can try more advanced techniques later. Pushups, sit-ups, lifting weights, and cardio exercises like running on a treadmill can all improve your endurance and strength. 

2. Splits

gymnasticsSpend some time practicing your splits to maintain and improve flexibility. Splits are essential in floor exercises, but also for proper form in leaps and jumps on the beam. Devote a few minutes each day to practicing splits so you stay flexible.

3. Handstands

When you’re stuck at home, it’s the ideal time to practice your handstand form. Stand with your back against the wall and put your hands down in front of you. Then, walk your feet up the wall as you bring your hands closer until you are doing a complete handstand with your stomach against the wall. Keep your head in a neutral position, and focus on extending your feet toward the ceiling and contracting your muscles. Hold the position as long as you can. This exercise builds strength and helps you develop the proper form for many gymnastics moves. 

4. Pull-Ups

If you don't already have a pull-up bar in your home, consider ordering one online — or use a sturdy tree branch outdoors to work on building upper body strength by doing pull-ups. Upper body strength is vital, both for performing floor moves and on the bars. 

5. Leaps & Turns

Leaps are a key part of gymnastics routines on the floor and the beam, and are easy to practice outdoors. Focus on keeping your legs straight and getting as much height as possible. Turns can influence your scores in competitions, so find a safe place to practice your turns to get them crisp.


To help foster an interest in gymnastics, contact The Victors Gymnastics in Rochester, NY, to learn about future classes. This family-owned, USA Gymnastics Member facility has been offering safe and fun classes for kids since 1999. Visit the gym’s website to see a full calendar of classes. To speak with a team member, call (585) 663-4810.

Download the Victors app free on Android® and Apple®! You can sign up for classes, get reminders and exclusive deals, make a payment, or watch videos. Download it here:
