
If you recently lost a loved one, you may be wondering what you can do to make their funeral meaningful and different. One of the more popular options to celebrate the life of a dearly departed friend or family member is a dove release. Here's what you should know about this process, so you can determine if it's right for your event. 

3 Factors to Know When Planning a Dove Release at a Funeral

1. There's Symbolism in Numbers


Every family has different spiritual or religious beliefs, and the number of doves you release can help reinforce these ideologies. For instance, if your family believes in spirit guides, opting to release two doves is ideal; symbolically, this is meant to represent your loved one's soul being guided to the afterlife by their spirit guide. Meanwhile, families of Christian or Catholic faith may prefer to release three doves, as these are known to represent the Holy Trinity. Conversely, if your religion favors a celebration of life, four or more doves is ideal, as a large group is meant to represent the different moments of joy and loving relationships in the departed's life. 

2. You'll Need to Work With a Company

Most funeral homes don't have live animals on standby for services. However, they should be able to get you in touch with local companies that specialize in dove releases. You'll need to work with the business to determine factors like date, time, location, and the number of birds needed. Once these details are set, though, your funeral director should handle all of the logistics on the backend to ensure everything is set for the funeral.

3. The Season Makes a Difference

Unfortunately, not all seasons are viable for dove releases. During the colder months, birds of prey like hawks and falcons are more likely to be out. Opting for a dove release during this season could lead to an unfortunate attack that puts a damper on your event, so only plan to move forward if the funeral will take place during the spring or summer. 


If you’re interested in adding a dove release to your loved one's funeral, turn to the compassionate professionals at A Sign of Peace White Dove Releases in Erlanger, KY. They will work with you to ensure everything goes off without a hitch to honor the life of your dearly departed. Give them a call today at (859) 727-3254 or visit their website to learn more. 
