
White doves are symbols of peace, purity, and love. Releasing them at a memorial service that celebrates the life of a child who has died—as a birthday remembrance or anniversary commemoration—is both beautiful and moving. If you’re planning a memorial for a child, review these possibilities for hosting an outdoor celebration with the release of stunning white doves.

How to Celebrate the Life of a Child Who Has Passed

1. Poem

Release a single dove to symbolize the peaceful journey of a child’s spirit while reciting a poem or passage. Choose a poem you once read to your child or any prose passage that has meaning to you and your family.

2. Music

white dovesPlay music to accompany a white dove release. A beautiful instrumental can provide emotional relief, but feel free to select an upbeat piece and invite everyone to dance. As the music plays and you dance, release two birds to signify the purity of your child’s spirit and the light that guides them to their final rest.

3. Ashes

If you’re scattering a child’s ashes on the first anniversary of their death, choose a location that will bring smiles to your family’s faces. Depending on the traditions of your faith, you may choose to release four birds at the same time, one for the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and your child. Add, prayers, music, and other forms of remembrance. Afterward, stand back and enjoy the moment.

3. Silence

Ten white doves soaring into the air is an evocative celebration of a child’s life. Perform the release silently while you take in the scenery and meditate on the feelings of love you have for your family and friends. 


Discuss your ideas for releasing white doves at a memorial service with the team at A Sign of Peace White Dove Release. Based in Erlanger, KY, they arrange dove releases for celebration of life services as well as weddings, christenings, and other important occasions. Call (859) 727-3254 today to get started, or learn more about hosting a memorial service by visiting them online.
