
White doves are a symbol of love, peace, and gentleness. Arranging for them to be present for occasions like celebrations of life or memorial tributes can comfort the bereaved. An unmistakable sign of purity and hope, they are a wonderful way to commemorate loved ones. If you’re wondering why these birds are the perfect symbol of affection, learn about how they have represented love throughout history.       

Reasons White Doves Epitomize Love

1. They Mate for Life

dovesDoves are monogamous, staying with the same mate their entire lives. The males engage in elaborate courtship rituals, from special flight patterns to bowing. Once mated, partner doves can be seen communicating with each other through their unique ‘cooing’ language. In the Middle Ages, people believed that doves claimed their lifelong partners on Valentine’s Day, cementing their association with love even further.

2. They Raise Their Young Together

Doves frequently nest near human settlements. This means humans have been able to observe their dedication to family throughout history. Male birds harvest various materials and bring them to the female so that she can build a nest. Once the home is constructed, mated pairs will often raise two sets of hatchlings in a year. The males switch off with the females to keep the eggs incubated, and after the eggs hatch, they assist in foraging for food and feeding the fledglings.   

3. Religious Traditions

In many mythologies, doves are servants or messengers of the gods of love. The Greek Aphrodite, Aztec Xochiquetzal, and Hindu Kamedeva, all deities of love, are frequently depicted surrounded by the birds. Tales tell of them taking the form of doves or riding them to travel. In the Christian tradition, doves are associated with Christ and the Virgin Mary. These figures are known for their displays of pure and unconditional love.


If you’d like to mark a special occasion or celebration of life with these powerful symbols, contact A Sign of Peace White Dove Releases in Erlanger, KY. Their healthy, well-trained birds will create a moving visual display of the deep emotions involved. Experienced professionals ensure that the release is handled smoothly so that the birds can return safely home. To arrange a release for your occasion, call (859) 727-3254. You can also learn more about their services on their website.
