
A freshly installed asphalt parking lot can instantly improve the aesthetic value and functionality of your business. However, once the application is complete, there are certain steps you must follow to maximize your investment. Proper care is key for sustaining the appearance and longevity of an asphalt paving project. Here are some important tips to help keep your new surface in good condition for years to come.


Be mindful of the curing process.

Asphalt surfaces generally take an entire year to fully cure and harden. Though your parking lot can be used during this time, you should take the appropriate measures to protect it while it’s still vulnerable. This includes limiting traffic and heavy loads, preventing vehicles or objects from staying in one spot for several days in a row, and enforcing reduced speeds. 

asphalt paving

Practice regular maintenance. 

Keeping up with a few routine maintenance tasks will go a long way towards preserving your asphalt paving. To avoid staining or damage, take time to regularly clear the surface of any debris. Also, clean gas and oil spills promptly with a commercial degreaser, as these fluids can compromise the integrity of the material. 


Use within 24 hours.

A new parking lot installation shouldn’t be driven on for at least 24 hours, but you may have to wait up to 72 hours in warmer weather. This is to ensure the material has enough time to dry. If you allow vehicles onto the surface too soon, it’s likely to develop dips and ruts quickly. Your paving contractor will assess different factors to determine exactly how long you should hold off on using it.

Sealcoat right away.

Adding sealcoat to an asphalt surface helps create a protective barrier against the elements and provides a glossy finish. Despite the benefits, it’s recommended that you don’t have this done until a year after your installation. Some sealcoating products contain additives that can crack the material before it’s had the chance to cure.


Whether you need to install a parking lot for the first time or revamp an existing one, you can rely on the team at A-1 Services Wisconsin Rapids LLC to get the job done with a high level of quality and professionalism. Serving clients throughout Wood County and Stevens Point, WI for over 25 years, they offer a wide range of asphalt paving solutions that prioritize beauty and durability. Call (715) 423-6444to request a quote, or visit them online to learn more about their services. 
