
Dental health is important for your confidence and overall well-being. Tartar can negatively impact your smile, but the right steps will help you take better care of your teeth. Review this brief guide to learn more about tartar buildup and the best teeth cleaning techniques to prevent it. 

What to Know About Tartar

What is tartar?

Tartar is the buildup of dark calcified materials that form along the gumline. It begins as plaque, a bacterial film that naturally forms on the teeth, before hardening into tartar. This unsightly material requires professional removal, so it's better to remove plaque before it hardens. 

Why is tartar bad?

Tartar gives plaque more area to grow and provides a stickier surface for bacteria to multiply, leading to cavities and gum disease. When large amounts of tartar collect above the gumline, the tissues can become swollen and develop a condition called gingivitis.

Why does tartar buildup happen?

teeth cleaning

Plaque buildup is natural and happens to everyone. However, if you eat a lot of starchy or sugary foods, bacteria and plaque can multiply faster, potentially leading to tartar buildup. Maintaining a balanced nutritional diet is key to overall health. 

Green or black tea can prevent bacteria from lingering on your teeth and halt the production of tartar, while dairy can strengthen your enamel. Meanwhile, chewing sugarless gum can naturally eliminate food particles from the mouth without introducing unnecessary sugar to your diet. 

How can I prevent buildup?

Be diligent about plaque removal and maintain good dental hygiene through brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. If tartar is a common concern, invest in products designed specifically to target the buildup. Visit a dental office for professional teeth cleaning every six months to remove buildup and improve overall oral health. 


Tackle tartar buildup by contacting Stadler Dental Care. Serving Columbus, NE, and the surrounding areas, this office is committed to making your trip to the dentist a positive experience. Dr. Andrew Stadler leads his team based on high standards for patient comfort and satisfaction. Their services range from comprehensive teeth cleaning to dental implants. Call (402) 564-4093 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website to learn more about their staff and services.
