
Pump houses are designed to hold well systems. These buildings protect a water well pump from the elements while providing easy access to the groundwater supply for recreational, construction, and agricultural needs. If you're installing this type of device on your property, the following guide outlines several steps to consider when constructing a pump shed.

A Guide to Well Pump House Construction

1. Create a Site Plan

Site planning is essential for constructing a well house, and you should build the structure on a section of the property that has adequate drainage. Ideally, the spot should be at a higher elevation than the surrounding land so that water flows away from the building. The well itself should be slightly offset from the pump shed so that service trucks can easily access the feature. Make sure the structure is located near a power source so that you don't have to make changes to your electrical system to accommodate it.

2. Design the Flooring & Foundation 

water well pump

A pump house should have a flat, stable foundation along with thick flooring that won't accumulate water. Drains are also essential for preventing moisture-related problems. 

If the well casing is in the building, it should sit about a foot off of the ground to prevent contamination. This pipe needs to stay sealed to maintain cleanliness. Before the concrete is poured, verify that all drains and underground power lines are properly installed and fully functional.

3. Plan for Heating

There are several ways to heat your water well pump house, from an electric or gas space heater to a thermostat. Once this feature is installed, avoid blocking vents since this could reduce the flow of air or pose a fire risk.

4. Research Building Materials 

Insulation is one of the biggest concerns when building a water well pump house. The equipment stored inside the structure has to stay warm, dry, and clean to avoid damage. The walls should be at least 8 inches thick, and the roof should be covered with shingles or metal. Leave room for ample batting or spray foam insulation, as well. Installing a vapor barrier can also reduce the amount of moisture in the room.


If you're interested in building a pump shed for your water well pump system, turn to Fogle Pump & Supply. This well company has been serving clients throughout Spokane, Deer Park, Colville, and Republic, WA, for more than 40 years. Their services include inspections, installations, and pump maintenance. Visit them online to learn more about these systems, or call (888) 343-9355 to speak to a friendly representative and schedule a consultation. 
