
Hard water is fairly common in homes throughout the U.S. It contains high concentrations of calcium and magnesium. Over time, it can damage your plumbing fixtures and appliances and dry out your skin and hair. Every homeowner should understand the basics of hard water, its effects, and how to treat the issue with water softeners.

What Is Hard Water?

Calcium, magnesium, and other minerals are naturally present in soil and rocks. Water used in homes comes from rainfall that has penetrated the ground and filled aquifers. As it enters the ground, the water moves through the soil and rocks and absorbs some of their mineral content. The exact hardness level of water depends on the makeup of soil and rocks in your geographic area, but all water contains some concentration of these hard minerals.

What Are the Signs of Hard Water?

water softener

The most visible sign of hard water is a white, powdery residue on sinks, showers, bathtubs, and dishes. You might also notice staining and discoloration on lighter-colored porcelain fixtures or a chalky buildup on faucets. When this buildup accumulates inside the pipes, your home's water pressure may decrease, and the efficiency of appliances, like dishwashers and certain types of refrigerators, will be minimized. This, in turn, can lead to higher water bills.

The high mineral content can also strip your skin of oils and moisture, leaving your skin dry. And because hard water cannot rinse soaps away as effectively as soft water, traces of shampoo may remain in your hair, leading to dry, flat hair and dandruff.

How Can You Treat Hard Water?

The best solution is to invest in a water softener. Water softeners remove calcium and magnesium through a scientific process of ion exchange, during which resin beads in the system's tank pull out the hard minerals and replace them with sodium. You can install a softener to extend the life of your fixtures and appliances and improve the health of your skin and hair.


If you're in the market for a water softener to combat the effects of hard water, contact Fogle Pump & Supply. Since 1981, they have been serving Airway Heights and northeast Washington. They also provide water well drilling services, well pump repairs, and water filtration and treatment system installations. Call (888) 343-9355 to request a quote or visit them online to explore their services in more detail.
