
Keeping your smile looking bright and white is important for self-esteem and self-confidence. If your pearly whites aren’t so pearly anymore, consider teeth whitening to improve their appearance. There’s a big difference between over-the-counter options and professional teeth whitening, though. The dental experts at Elizabeth A Loseke DDS PC, in Kearney, NE, offer the following guide to teeth whitening—both professional and DIY.

Differences Between Professional & DIY Teeth Whitening


Dentists who offer teeth whitening use professional-grade bleaching agents that can whiten teeth up to seven times lighter than the color at the time of treatment. Cosmetic dentists use differing technologies, such as laser whitening or bleaching trays. If you are only whitening specific teeth—say, those discolored from a root canal or injury—the ability to color match to existing teeth is much greater than with at-home versions. Dental professionals have exclusive access to the best whitening agents.

Over-the-counter whitening kits, which come in gels, strips, or pastes, cannot significantly whiten very discolored teeth. At-home kits are also not strictly regulated, and the bleaching agents they contain vary in strength and effectiveness. Overall, dentists recommend that for consistent and long-lasting color, professional whitening is the way to go. If you just want to brighten teeth for an event, strips work well to improve appearance on the front six teeth.


DIY kits are more affordable than professional teeth whitening, but many people find that at home kits are messy and not terribly effective—and they certainly aren’t a permanent solution. Professional results will be more even and last longer than at-home kits. 


OTC kits are meant to be applied over a 2-4 week period. Dentists warn to be wary of kits that promise immediate results, as they may contain strong bleaching solutions that may irritate the mouth and gums. Professional teeth whitening usually takes about one hour in the dentist’s office, unless you are using a professionally administered take-home product. Because professional bleaching usually lasts longer, you will save time as well.

Teeth whitening is a great option if you have discolored teeth. Elizabeth A Loseke DDS PC offers preventive dental care, teeth whitening, veneers, implants, and full-service family dentistry. Call (308) 234-4564 for an appointment or go to the website to learn more about services.
