
There’s a lot to keep track of when it comes to international moving, but there’s no reason this adventure can’t go smoothly. There are a few key components of the relocation that you’ll want to put at the top of your priority list. This will help you avoid issues when you arrive and allow you to focus on setting up your new home. Here are a few of the steps to take when you’re gearing up for a long-haul move.

How to Prepare for an International Relocation

1. Save Money

Any move requires upfront investments for everything from the moving service to transportation. In addition to housing and travel costs, applications for your international documentation may also present fees. You can prepare for all of the expenses that will come your way by developing a budget and sticking to it in the months leading up to the move.

2. Arrange Your Documentationinternational moving

Whether it’s for a short period or indefinitely, moving abroad involves a lot of paperwork. The most important step is applying for a work or student visa, so check the consular policies of the country you’re relocating to. For most applications, you’ll need a valid passport, updated immunization records, and proof of positive financial standing.

3. Create Necessary Accounts

Having a working cellphone and no transaction fees when using your credit card are easy features to take for granted in your native country, but won’t extend to your new home. Before you leave, make sure to set up an international card so you won’t be left without access to your funds. Download apps that allow you to communicate over the internet so you can stay in touch with your loved ones while you set up a new number.

4. Ship, Store, or Sell Belongings

A big part of moving is deciding what to do with all of your belongings. While an international moving service will ensure all of your essential items are shipped to the foreign country, you can give away other possessions to friends, family, and charities. You could also host a garage sale leading up to the big day to score some extra funds.

5. Learn the Culture

The customs, traditional dishes, and even the language of the new country may be different. You’ll want to study up on these before arriving in your new home to avoid a culture shock. Moving to a new place is exciting, so preparing for it will maximize your enjoyment upon arrival and reduce stress.


No matter where you’re moving, getting the right assistance in the process will shorten your to-do list and ease unnecessary stress. In Wisconsin, Economy Movers of Green Bay will take care of your packing and moving. Handling everything from international moving to office moves, they’re experts in protecting belongings. Learn more about what they do online or call (920) 339-1120 for a free estimate.
