About Laura Govan
When you’re looking for the latest trends in women’s clothing and fashion staples that should be in every wardrobe, look to Laura Govan. Whether you want a statement choker necklace or are in need of a one-of-a-kind jumper, you’ll find it here. Best of all, we ship all around the world.
Laura Govan’s fashion sense transcends into her business. Her selection of women’s clothing and accessories includes everything from chokers and earrings to sports bras and hoodies. A limited edition selection of cosmetic products rounds out the online store’s collection. From a bold red lipstick to the perfect faux fur clutch purse to store it in, you can pick and choose from this selection to create a variety of cutting-edge looks.
Internet shopping can be difficult, so Laura Govan goes above and beyond to make sure customers are confident shopping with her. The majority of products featured on the site are modeled by Laura herself so you know exactly how your favorite pieces will look when worn.
Although it’s an online shop, we aim to provide the same level of exceptional customer service you would get while shopping in person. If you have any questions about a product or an order you’ve placed, you can expect an answer to your query within 48 hours.
Customer satisfaction is Laura Govan’s top priority—and with a stunning selection of stylish items and outstanding customer care, this online women’s clothing store exceeds expectations. Visit her website to see what’s new, and join the Laura Govan community on Instagram or Twitter for the latest style updates.