
Developing a stye on your eye is fairly common, and while it's certainly uncomfortable, it shouldn't pose a serious health issue. Take a look at what causes a stye and how proper eye care can help you prevent getting one. 

What Is a Stye?

A stye is a painful bump that forms at the base of your eyelash, and it can also crop up on the eyelid. It's an infection caused by the bacteria staphylococcal—commonly referred to as a staph infection. It originates in the nose, so people usually get a stye when they rub their nose and then rub their eyes. Redness, swelling, sensitivity to touch, and overall tenderness in the area around your eye are all early indications that you have one.

How Do You Treat Them?

eye care

A stye will usually go away on its own, and you typically don't need medication to treat the infection. However, keep in mind that it is contagious, and you should never pop a stye. Doing so will make the issue worse and cause it to spread. Eye doctors also recommend that you do your best not to touch the area at all.

To help relieve pain and stimulate drainage, apply a warm compress over the stye for 10-15 minutes. If you wear contact lenses or wear makeup, then it’s best to avoid using either until the stye clears up.

If you have a stye and it doesn’t go away on its own after three to five days, get in touch with an eye specialist and schedule a consultation.

How Do You Prevent a Stye?

To prevent dealing with a stye, try to adopt a few healthy eye care habits. The first is to avoid touching your face and eyes frequently. If you need to touch your face, always wash your hands with soap and water first. In general, practice good hand-washing habits

If you wear makeup, always remove it at the end of the day, and don’t share your eyeliner, mascara, or other beauty products with anyone. Also, most beauty products should be replaced every three to 12 months, depending on the item. 

If you need an eye specialist for a routine exam or to treat an infection, look no further than Walton Eye Care. For years, they have provided Monroe, GA, residents with the highest caliber of eye care available. Their cutting-edge tools and technology coupled with the experienced and talented doctors create a high-quality clinic for the whole family. Call (770) 267-4561 or visit their website to book an appointment.
